Beiträge von Wendel P. McCarthy

    Really!? We actually wanted to visit Wie ... Wie... Wiedemünde - a word difficult to pronounce - , but there is a civil war now... What's the problem with Trimontania!? Why do they have problems with Astorians? Will they be violent against us!?

    I know, you told it already... However, I'm not so sure about that. A local is far better able to make out tiny differences...

    And we should only talk about newly built areas for sure, not such where the one house is 500 years, another 200 and a third brand new... They will look different, no question...

    weist mit einer Handbewgung ab

    No thank you, it's pleasant but I only smoke cigars...

    All right, it's yor business... I just meant...

    Look at different suburbs and you will see differences in architectural style and colors. In one case you will find wood, in another brick and so on.

    What you might base your judgment on, however, is that the houses don't differ that much within a suburb. This is because the suburbs are built by big companies. A uniform style, moreover, is often desired or even prescribed. This is because everyone who lives there likes the style of the houses. Only with time do bigger differences emerge.

    We Astorians are individualists, but this is where a problem comes in, if everyone builds their houses the way they like it, or doesn't maintain the lawn or paint the walls, then the value of the properties goes down, so everything has to look uniform.

    überlegte kurz

    You had a big house, too!? Why did you lose ist? Did the state take it!?

    Cigars, cigarettes, pipe tobacco, everything you want....

    Around 34 and something square miles if that makes more Sense to you... Maybe there is a converter on my smartphone if it doesn't...

    etwas väterlich angehaucht

    Surely nothing to contrdict, but you shouldn't drink to much, you are still a young lady.

    It's actually true for the US as well. There is pretty much variation in the materials, shapes and colors even of the buildings in the subburbs.

    Yes it's huge, it's a farmhouse. But is it wrong to live in a big house!?

    We harvest grain and corn, cotton, sugar cane, oranges, peanuts and tobacco, we grow cattle, alligators, ostrichs and horses and there is still some oil under us.


    I have 22.000 acres of land, don't ask me what's that in metric or your system.

    Yes he ist what you call his "Bruder".

    What I call freedom, is when I can do what I want, having freedom of speech, and of course without living in a tax hell!

    Well, I'm also not an expert in architecture... Skyscrapers are typical for the city of big cities... However, Astor is a relatiely young country but there are even buildings from the 17th century.

    But don't look newly built areas in your country all the same too..?

    What do you think about my house?

    holt zwei Photos aus seiner Brieftasche

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    In Astor? Ich dachte immer, aus Korland kommt man nicht so leicht raus...

    You can leave the country freely if you desire. However, you may have trouble to get in again, as far as I know.

    The government seems to fear that their former citizens become liberal or communist spies and saboteurs and oppositionists to the state model they drive. But her husband did have the permission to study abroad, he is an machines/automotive engineer. My daughter as well. They met at the university, his family owns a car factory. He received his PhD in the States.

    Since her brother-in-law is the Chancellor of Korland, I could ask all of that in detail. You could say uh but you know, there are no really free countries in the old world and as we entered the country the last time, we did not even had to pay import taxes. And the country is neither communist nor monarchist. You can't ask for more in the old world. And if a Family sends their son to the US for studying, they cannot be bad at all!

    My son is now selling their cars in the states and they are making parts for classic Astorian cars no longer produced in the states, that was the idea of my daughter. I'm pretty sure she will have great ideas to modernize the whole factory!

    I don't know, ich weiß nicht, wieso das so oft passiert...

    All right... I didn't get the second part of your sentence... I should improve my German skills...

    But my theory is, that there are to many hardcore ideological polititians in Antica... That's just my two Cents to that topic... However we've gotten them now too by the backdoor. Let's call them cultural marxists!

    Und, gefällt es Ihnen?

    Well, by and large yes. Its#s nice witouth the exemption of that marxist brutalist architecture, that they put in the old towns. But to be fair, we have also a lot of awful architecture in they states that should be demolished and replaced for esthetical reasons.

    Well, she is married there. They met in the States, not in Korland. Oh, I've heard of Dreibürgen, it's a big country with a similar population to the States and it has its colonies....

    Can you say me, why the old world loves to have such civil wars, they seam not to get enough of it!? In the U.S., we had a big civil war, but that was it.

    I am in this country for the first time in my life. I have been here only a few hours...

    spricht in Wahrheit Deutsch, schreibt aber nur auf Albernisch - halt, kleiner Scherz

    Oh yeah, it's not a replacement but an Addition and a different taste!

    You remind me a little of my daughter!

    She lives in Korland, but since we're in the old world, we'll - my wife and me - use this as an opportunity for a trip. But it's difficult around here, almost everywhere is civil war or the filthy communists are in power. What the old worlders love is monarchism, dictatorship, taxes, communism, war and civil war! Don't take it personally, for that there are wonderfully picturesque old buildings, as far as none of the dirty communists or a war has destroyed them yet...


    Are you here often?

    Oh thank you!


    Tastes a little different than in the states, but in a way it should, thumbs up.

    leerte das Glas


    kommt von Laura

    Oh, Thank you very much.

    It's always twice as nice to hear something like that from a beautiful young lady.

    Well, it's something same with me and Albernian... Yes Mister, I think ist drinkable. Maybe not so good as in Astor, it's just unusial, people do not order, because unusual, there is no tradition for whiskey... You want?

    No Problem, your Albernian is fine! I'm always fascinated by you old-worlders changing the language all the time and every 50 miles!

    All right, I shall give it a try!


    Versucht sich an der Aussprache von "Krzysztof Przewalski".

    Oh, Crishtoph Pishowsky, you say... Dang the laaanguages here are so complicated in the old world... I probably will need a lot of it, to pronounce it right...


    But... Not at a regular basis, you say? Be honest, is it to exclusive for your store or isn't it drinkable at all!? In the latter case I shall take a John-Bean-Whiskey as suggested!

    Fera Rebczynska tat sich nicht sonderlich leicht mit Fremdsprachen, sie war auch nicht gut in der Schule darin gewesen, zumal Albernisch ja nur ihre zweite Fremdsprache war und sie ja auch nur die 8 Klassen zur Schule gegangen war, die man mußte. Also bis sie 15 war, weil man ja in Lagow ab dem 7. Lebensjahr zur Schule geht, wäre sie gut in der Schule gewesen, stünde sie jetzt vermutlich auch nicht in einer Bar, und sie schämte sich dafür, daß sie nicht gut albernisch sprach, und diese Scham merkte man ihr an.

    Yes Mister. Good evening. Nice to see you here. Do you want special whiskey?

    Diese letzte Frage war ihr rausgerutscht, hoffentlich sagte er jetzt nichts, das sie nicht verstand.

    Oh I would like to try a domestic whisky, if there is something like that.

    Betrat astorianisch behutet die Bar auf seiner erneuten und wieder gegenüber seiner Tochter unangekündigten Ostantica-Reise, was war draußen eigentlich für ein Wetter und ein Wochentag? Aber was sollte es, seine Frau Magnolia hatte sich lieber schon auf das Hotelzimmer begeben.

    Good evening everyone, isn't this a great night in this great town? I would be glad to have a whiskey!

    Well there is a built in radio as well, but just FM!

    spielt am Sendersuchlauf und erwischt Masowien

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    Hell no! What's that!? That's communist propaganda!

    Da er von Crystal wußte, daß es hier kein Internet gab, hatte er sicherheitshalber einige schöne Songs of the south auf sein Smartphone geladen und ließ nun abspielen - da ihm der Ohrhörer abhandengekommen war notgedrungen öffentlich.

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